It was somewhat ironic that yesterday, the Day of Silence, was the same day I received the latest Exodus newsletter in my mail. Exodus is keen to point out the alternatives to the Day of Silence (the Day of Truth and the Golden Rule), while pointing out that they are not adverse to the Day of Silence’s goal to eliminate violence against LBGT persons. However, they could not endorse the Day of Silence, because it is the work of gay activists.

It is sad that the Exodus leadership cannot see through their own fears to stand with “gay activists” on this one thing they agree on: violence against gays and lesbians needs to end. By endorsing the alternatives, Exodus fails to stand for the dignity and intrinsic worth of all people, regardless of sexual orientation. Exodus fails to take what is probably the best opportunity it has to demonstrate that their motivation truly is the love and compassion, respect and justice that Christ wills for all individuals.

This is indeed a sad reflection on the state of the Christian church.